NFACCA General Meeting @ J-Tech – Business Trends


On behalf of J-Tech, we welcome your group back on campus for your October 18th General meeting.

We have reserved The Community Room for your group.  We will have tables set up in the foyer for your luncheon to be served and welcome everyone to dine at the tables in the North/South Commons.

No food or beverage is allowed in The Community Room.

Please also remind your members to park on the far north side of the parking area to allow our future enrolling students and guests upfront parking.


J-Tech HVAC instructors:

This meeting is open to our staff and HVAC students to attend.  There is a student/staff discount rate for lunch.

Click here to pre-register.

This is a great opportunity for our students to hear industry updates and network with HVAC contractors in the North Florida market.